Callysto Tech Tips: Sharing Our Online Notebooks
Apr 1, 2020
2 min read
Callysto learning modules are Jupyter notebooks stored on GitHub, which is an online code-sharing site. A Jupyter notebook is a type of document that can include formatted text, live code, and visualizations.
You can share a notebook with your students, or colleagues, using a specially-formatted link that creates a copy for each person that clicks it.
Sharing Callysto notebook links with students or colleagues
- Go to the Callysto “Learning Modules” page
- Select a module you’re interested in, you can sort by grade or subject, or pick one of the “featured” modules
- Right-click the link to copy it, then share with your students
- They (and you) sign in to the Callysto Hub with a Google or Microsoft account (we don’t collect any data about users)
- Students click the link you sent in order to get their own copy of the notebook
Sharing Jupyter notebooks you create or find
To do this, we created a “bookmarklet” called CallystoGitPuller. That’s a piece of code you can drag and drop into your “bookmarks” bar on your browser.
Set up the bookmarklet:
Drag the text CallystoGitPuller to your bookmark bar or menu.
If your bookmark bar isn’t visible, these instructions will help for Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.
To use the bookmarklet:
- Find a notebook on a GitHub page, for example this notebook using Gapminder data to explore child mortality and birth rate
- While that GitHub notebook is on your screen, click on the CallystoGitPuller bookmarklet in your bookmark bar or menu
- Copy the link that pops up. This is the specially-formatted link that creates a copy of that notebook in a Callysto Hub account
- Share the link with students or colleagues, or perhaps shorten it first
If you need help, email us at